
Monday, November 29, 2010

Back in the Game

Been gone for Thanksgiving and couldn't update the site, but I'm back in San Antonio again. Got a way better line than this today, but this was the throwaway clip. Enjoy.

Josh Solis with a Heel flip, I believe.
josh solis/heelflip?

An Ollie by Josh.
josh solis/ollie

Another, even weirder, Heel flip by our Aarron Snyder.
aaron snyder/heelflip

Grant McConnell with a beasting Backside Kickflip.
grant mcconnell/backside flip

Back Heel by Aarron down this huge 2 flat.
aaron snyder/backside heel

John Gonz went a bit different with this Wallie on the Target balls.
john gonz/wallie

Steezy performing this Fakie Ollie 5-0.
stephen scholz/switch 5-0

Biggest trick down any gap I've seen this boy do.
grant mcconnell/backside flip

Another shot.
grant mcconnell/backside flip

John Gonzalez with a awesome Backside Feeble grind.
jjohn gonz/back feeble

Grant was all over this trick.
grant mcconnell/backside noseblunt

1 comment:

  1. Can you tell me where the ditch to hydrant thing is? and the last backsideflipphoto looks rad
