Saturday, September 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Two videos I forgot to post on! Been busy with a major project, so keep an eye out for some hype!
Edit I made Grant for the Theotis/Altamont contest. Hoping he gets something out of this.
Edit I made Grant for the Theotis/Altamont contest. Hoping he gets something out of this.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
No, not really. This is something that has occurred three times on this camera. This time I thought I'd film it...
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Some throwaway for obvious reason. Been slacking on my filming lately, but I'll be trying hard to improve it more. Watch this edit with a good song. Enjoy...
Monday, August 8, 2011
Just an assorted collection of the recent falls and randoms I've been collecting. Didn't want any music, thought it was more funny without it. Enjoy our pain..
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The day wasn't going very well, so we decided to session this little pad. Got some clips and made an edit. Enjoy...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Went to Boerne the other day with some homies. Grant and Josh got some clips from there, but not enough to make an edit. So I just threw them together, enjoy these poorly filmed clips...
Boerne from Jared Ortiz on Vimeo.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Just some recent footy from the past month or so. It's all extras and just throwaway. Was really feeling this song and wanted to make an edit to it, so I did. Enjoy...
Filming by Jared Ortiz.
Filming by Jared Ortiz.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Homie recently got on our local shop, Evolution. Mad hype for him, well deserved. More and better videos to come from him. Be hyped and enjoy our little edit.
Went back to Springtime to film for an even better little clip, but ended up not getting enough footy for a decent little edit. Instead I just made this clip to show you guys what went down. There's actually some pretty sick lines in there. Enjoy...
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Sorry for the updates being very badly filmed and quite slow lately. Haven't been stacking a bunch of extra clips recently and the clips I do stack are usually just the bangers. So for now, enjoy this little COTW done by Chris Mireles.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Went to USK8 yesterday on monday before session and got bit out shredding done before hitting the streets. Filming was horrendous, so no need to tell me. Enjoy...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Another aarron clip, but I filmed this shitty and it was a bit sketchy so I thought I'd throw it up for you guys to view.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The edit from our three trips to Housepark. I wasn't really feeling this edit, but thought I'd throw it up just for you all's viewing pleasure. Funny thing happened in the process of editing this, the song cut midway through. See if you can find it...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Went to Jaws with the homies sometime last week and got some sick footy. Threw it all together in a little edit and it came out super sick! Went with the Bone Thugs... Peep it and tell me what you think! Filming by Jared Ortiz.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Another clip of the week, but with a bit different twist. Aarron Snyder is the main star of this one, so enjoy this little update...
Monday, July 4, 2011
Some quick lines we filmed at Springtime the other evening. Had an overall fun session with the homies. Filming by Jared Ortiz with a VX1/MK1.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
This weeks clip brings you a clip of Grant and Stephen. Both throwaway and just bullshittin' clips. Enjoy...
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Been filming with Dallas, finally, lately and he's been stacking some clips for our project. This just an average day in the life with him, in a nutshell at least.
First from my low to the ground point of view...
Then from a tree...
First from my low to the ground point of view...
Then from a tree...
Monday, June 27, 2011
Another installment to the Throwback legacy. This third installment brings you some of the early footages with my new MK1, along with all the other madness and throwaway clips that have been happening slowly this summer. Filming by Jared Ortiz and Spencer Noe. Editing by Jared Ortiz. Enjoy this clip and be waiting in anxiousness for our summer montage...
Saturday, June 25, 2011
S'ven and Grant get down on some stupid lines as you can see. Just a little update, be expecting a House park montage when I kill this tape that's in my camera right now...
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Our other filmer, Spencer Noe, is starting his own little section of random, funny, un-used clips and re-capturing all of his old tapes. He's calling this new legacy the "Change Tapes". Enjoy them...
Some of our first clips as an actual conjoined group...
Some of our first clips as an actual conjoined group...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Just a little clip so you guys can have a good laugh. S'ven cone-ing an innocent bystander...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Filmed at this warehouse that's been having a bunch of videos rising up from it. So I thought I would just add my contribution to it and give you guys a nice little edit. Enjoy it.
Sony VX1000/ Raymod
Sony VX1000/ Raymod
Monday, June 13, 2011
Went to LBJ on Saturday and this is what we came out with. Filmed a lot on the rail and a lot of good tricks were thrown. So enjoy this little edit brought to you all from us. Enjoy...
Filming by Jared Ortiz on a Sony VX1000/Raymod.
Filming by Jared Ortiz on a Sony VX1000/Raymod.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Just some more recent throwaways I've had laying around for you to enjoy. Unfortunately they're only of Grant, but it's whatever. Working on our summer montage and throwaway tages will be coming soon, so stay tuned. Enjoy this little clip...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Just some mess around footage off of my recent tape. Sprained my ankle recently so I will be having to film more long lens than fisheye. We're currently working on the summer project so expect that soon and lots of throwaway tages. Enjoy this little update...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Spencer has been shooting some with his 35mm film camera. Told him to jump on the train and make a new Flickr for the group's family photos and adventures, he did just that. Stay tuned with the Flickr and blog to keep updated with sick new photos and little moments in our adventures that don't quite make the cut for the videos. Click the Flickr link to the right or just CLICK HERE.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Just a funny clip from the other day. Fools making a mockery of themselves. Enjoy, part two coming soon...
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Finally another clip of the week to add to the legacy. First VX1000 clip of the week too. Enjoy...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Went to LBJ area yesterday and this is what happened while Leo was trying this 360 flip over the 9. We went to Mac and when we got there we sat down for about 5 minutes and looked back and Leo was trying this trick, no warm-up or anything. So we had to pull out the cameras and hit the record buttons. Enjoy...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Filmed some more bullshit with my VX1000. Got used to the raymod a bit better, still made some mistakes. Thankfully on nothing serious. Just a chill weekend for the group, getting ready for the summer filming. Spencer also got his new camera this weekend. Just some throwaway in the mockery of Harold Camping. Enjoy, filming by Jared Ortiz.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Got my VX1000 last weekend. Here are some horrible, I mean horrid, clips that I filmed with them. Still get used to the loss of width with my raymod. Enjoy this little update for now...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Last serious montage with our old setups! Threw all the recent bangers we were saving into an edit with some smooth blues. Went quite well together in my opinion, let me know what you think with a comment on Youtube. Filming by Jared Ortiz and Spencer Noe. Skateboarding brought to us by the ATAM crew. Enjoy...
Monday, May 16, 2011
Just some throwaway lines by Stephen and Grant. Filming on the first two clips was Spencer and the last was by Jared Ortiz. Just got my VX1000 this weekend and Spencer's getting his tomorrow, so I'm just trying to clean out the old footage before we make new videos with them. Enjoy...
Monday, May 9, 2011
Just a quick little edit I threw together of Grant and Aarron. Homies killing USK8. Probably the last edit with my GL1 because my VX1000 comes in this week and Spencer gets his the 16th of this month. So expect more videos with better quality. Enjoy...
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Just some more recent throwaways for you guys' viewing pleasure. Mostly filmed by Jared Ortiz, but two clips are filmed by Spencer Noe. This may be one of the last edits with/of my GL1. We're working on a little mini clip for the blog, so expect that out fairly quick. Enjoy...
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Throwaway lines from Josh and Grant. The one of Josh was filmed by Spencer and the one of Grant, by me.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
One of our filmers, Alec "Toitle" Keith, recently moved back home to Oklahoma. He won't be in the filming game any longer and made this last video. Enjoy it!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Just a little clip I made last night. Some throwaway footage because of horrible tricks and horrible filming. Some clips were filmed on my GL1/Modteka others with my GS320. I threw some bad editing in the mix and came out with this product, enjoy.
Filming and editing by Jared Ortiz.
Filming and editing by Jared Ortiz.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
We had to use other means of transportation on Thursday night. Documented it, check it...

The twins decided to get down on some rhymes, funny while it lasted. The driver didn't seem to happy with our poetry...
Boerne bunch. Filmed and edited by Spencer Noe. (Grant's heelflip and Aarron's nosegrind were filmed by me)
A clip from December of us getting kicked out of Edison. We filming a late night sessionn and the PO came to kick us out. Lane Hoggard captured this on his DSLR...
I am editing a throwaway montage of some recent clips, so stay tuned for that.

The twins decided to get down on some rhymes, funny while it lasted. The driver didn't seem to happy with our poetry...
Boerne bunch. Filmed and edited by Spencer Noe. (Grant's heelflip and Aarron's nosegrind were filmed by me)
A clip from December of us getting kicked out of Edison. We filming a late night sessionn and the PO came to kick us out. Lane Hoggard captured this on his DSLR...
I am editing a throwaway montage of some recent clips, so stay tuned for that.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Some footage from Baley's that is around a week old. Aarron's been learning and doing bigger and better tricks rapidly. Same for Grant, both are crazy on that stunt-wood. A new clip with my GL1 should be here in the next few days or so. For now, enjoy!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Some of the first footage from my GL1/Modteka set up. Pretty hyped on it, just some park clips for now. Enjoy this quick little update clip.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Went to Churchill on Saturday to get a clip for Stephen, but ended up fooling around. Was more of a chill day and waiting for my GL1 to come in took up most of it. Enjoy these flat ground skills...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Port A Trip
Here's the footage from the Port Aransas trip the other weekend. Manged to get it on my computer and edit it. Just a fairly quick little edit. Went there only with Grant and Aarron and had an overall fun time and experience. So enjoy this documentation of the trip.
Oh and here's some horribly filmed clips from the Corpus skatepark as a bonus.
Oh and here's some horribly filmed clips from the Corpus skatepark as a bonus.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Here it guys, the montage we've been working on since the start of the school year. We've worked hard and have had many experiences while filming. Definitely one of the most memorable videos I'll ever make. Without a doubt we'll continue making more. Skateboarders featured are Grant McConnell, Aarron Snyder, Stephen Scholz, Chris Mireles, Dallas O'Neil, Josh Solis, Benji Solis, Joaquin Herrera, Garrett Garner, and John Gonzalez. Filming is credit to Jared Ortiz, Spencer Noe, and Alec "Toitle" Keith. Cameras used to film were Panasonic PV-GS320, Sony VX2000, Canon GL1, and Sony TRV18. Good times with good homies, enjoy this clip...
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Went to Port Aransas this weekend and filmed a shit load of good park and street footy, but unfortunately Grant decided it was time to ruin the weekend montage and kick my camera. This resulted in a very glitchy tape and a possibly broken camera, maybe just dirty. Anyway here's some photographs from this weekend...

Still representing S.A. in Port A

Still representing S.A. in Port A

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Went to USK8 on Sunday. They had built a new double set, 3 flat 3, so I just had to film the session going down on it. Filmed some extra stuff too. Not the best filming, but it was a fun video to make. This is also my first edit in Final Cut Express 4. So I'm still getting through the kinks and what not. Better editing will be in the future as I have far more tools in this program than Vegas 10. Montage is still in the cutting room, ETA is set for Friday.
Also, some riders from ATAM are trying to make a little fun video. Show them some support by visiting their web page, FUCK YEA!
Also, some riders from ATAM are trying to make a little fun video. Show them some support by visiting their web page, FUCK YEA!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Decided to go ahead and try out an SP assignment for the first time. Had to do a LL Dolly shot so I had to rig it. Used my good old skateboard, not filming board, for it. That's why it may be very shaky and un-smooth. Any way, just a little clip to update you guys. Montage will be out before the end of the week and a little edit from this weekend and a USK8 video should be up tomorrow as well. Busy week.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Just a little video and some photos from this weekend. Going to start making little weekend updates liek this to keep you all posted. Enjoy...
Some ditch we found while exploring for some spots and tacos...

Skip to about :09 seconds in.
Crazy quarterpipe we found in some parking lot. We were looking for this 5 block and stumbled on this, pretty rad...

Chillen at underground...

Some ditch we found while exploring for some spots and tacos...

Skip to about :09 seconds in.
Crazy quarterpipe we found in some parking lot. We were looking for this 5 block and stumbled on this, pretty rad...

Chillen at underground...

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Went to Austin last Friday and this is a document of what we filmed there. I wasn't really on my filming game much that day so the edit is pretty bad. It was a nice little trip overall and we did come out with some good clips that we're saving for the montage that I'm in the process of editing right now. Filmed by Jared Ortiz and Spencer Noe. Filmed with Panasonic PV-GS320 and Sony VX2000. With all that being said, enjoy this little internet clip...
Sunday, March 20, 2011
We went to Rimpkins ditch, I believe that's the name, to get some clips. Came out with a surprising clip from one of the OGs. Had a pretty fun time there, good day overall. Had a little scare though when the homie, Stephen, lost his wallet. It's all good now though. Enjoy this hesh clip!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Old footage of Aarron doing some throwaway on the Boerne rail. Making an edit of our Austin trip we took yesterday to tide you guys over until the montage. Which will be coming out some time this week, hopefully. Editing on it begins tomorrow. For now enjoy this little COTW.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Same day we went to the handrail. Warming up at the park before the rail, we came out with these clips. Aarron Snyder got a little tech and 180d up the six stair. As far as I know of, its never been done. Enjoy this nice little rip clip...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Went to Boerne yesterday on a filming mission for this back blunt on the handrail. We were pressed for time, but it was worth it. These are just the many attempts that Aarron had in the process. So, just another reason to wait for the montage. Enjoy!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Video of our homie Stephen Scholz getting buck. Made this a while back, but never got around to putting it on the site. Oh and before anyone asks, yes, I have been watching BOYISH. So with that being said, enjoy this quick little clip to keep you guys updated. Montage coming in about a week!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Here you go, fueling the legacy of what is ATAM's throwaway montages. This is probably the last actual throwaway montage that is for the Fall/ Winter montage. Enjoy just a quick little edit, nothing special. All the clips are in here either because they just aren't good enough, crap filming and bad colours. Filmed with a Panasonic PV-GS320, Sony VX2100 and a Canon GL1. So enjoy this quick little video.
Filming by:
Jared Ortiz
Spencer Noe
Alec Keith
Filming by:
Jared Ortiz
Spencer Noe
Alec Keith
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Clip of the Week 21
Went for a late night filming mission at the Bradley 9. Half-way through the session Chris Mireles killed his deck trying a switch 180 down the set. A bummer, but made for a good clip for you viewers. Enjoy this quick clip...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
MARCH 2, 2011
Just some clips from today. Filmed some at a newly found spot, the over rail. Enjoy our shenanigans.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Went to Boerne with Grant on Saturday. Met up with some homies and made some new ones while filming. I put in work on that scratched ass baby death. Well, these are the clips we filmed throwed together into a montage for you guys to enjoy.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Went to Naco ledge on Saturday night to film a little bit. Filmed these throwaway clips with my GL1. Unfortunately, however, the audio didn't work out correctly in my editing program. Oh well, tried to make something out of the clips anyways. I think it turned out pretty decent...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sorry for the delay in my uploads recently, I've too busy sulking over my new GL1 that's incredibly glitchy and horrible. Needless to say, I'll be disposing of it in some way soon enough and continue using my trusty GS320. Peep this throwaway clip of Grant at Naco ledge..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Recently picked up a new camera, the Canon Gl1. Kind of glitchy, still need to get the heads cleaned. But here's some decent footage from my first day with it. The homie Alec let me borrow his lens.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Went to Presidio hip today to film. Came out with two bangers that will not be released until the montage. Also, will be taking home a memory from today... Aarron thrashing my fisheye. Enjoy my misery.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Clip of the Week 19
Went to Grant's today to film some. Came out with a little COTW for you guys' entertainment. May make a MM2 with all the old footy from summer, maybe. Hopefully this is my last video with a Panasonic PV-GS320...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
From the Archives: Tejeda Lines
Was lurking on the computer when I stumbled upon these old trash clips. These are from the summer, June 17th to be exact. These are just some throwaway lines, which didn't make it into 'Against The Average Mind' that Stephen and Aarron got that night. Enjoy, expect some more of these in the future possibly.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Snowday Throwaway V.2
This is one of our filmer's, Alec's, throwaway footage from San Antonio's snow day 2011. Had some fun and got some clips while in the process as you can see. Alec's GL1 was sent in to VE due to his CCD board, I believe. So this was filmed on his capture cam and babydeath! Enjoy...
Friday, February 4, 2011
Snowday Throwaway
Just made a real quick throwaway clip to clean out my timeline. Check it out. Filming's been going rather slow lately because of the cold weather in the city, but should start going well again.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
A mighty fine video if I say so myself. All editing credit goes to our photographer Joaquin Herrera. Filming credits to Jared Ortiz and Alec 'Toitle' Keith. Aarron has some unseen clips in here and they are rather gnarly. Peep this little edit...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Clip of the Week 18
Stephen just being himself and ripping shit. Got a banger on this rail, took a lot of work though. Enjoy this little clip filmed by Jared Ortiz and the montage is still going good.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Fall/Winter Promo
Halfway done with the montage, decided to create a little bit of hype with this promotional trailer. Features the whole crew in all their glory. Enjoy montage is dropping sometime late Spring or early Summer. Also, if you live in the San Antonio area, go to the "In Retrospect" premiere at Goodtimes Skateshop on Saturday night. Filmed by a local crew, Tetramedia.
Filming by Jared Ortiz and Spencer Noe. Additional filming by Alec Keith.
Filming by Jared Ortiz and Spencer Noe. Additional filming by Alec Keith.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Clip of the Week 17
Grant at the Firehouse Ledge. Just some throwaway for you entertainment, but we got kicked out before we could land the real trick.. We got kicked out of Johnson and the 8 at a church before we could get clips too. Never filming in the Stone Oak area again.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Grant and I went up to Jaws today and got some clips. I hate having to film at parks so these are the couple of clips that we came out with today. Didn't get any street footy this weekend due to the rainy conditions in San Antonio. Next weekend will be better hopefully. Enjoy these clips and the rest of MLK Day.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Clip of the Week 16
Just some daily throwaway brought to us by none other than Grant McConnell. Montage still in progress...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A Series of Unfortunate Events V.2
So we've getting down and dirty lately while filming. When I say that, I mean the skateboarders have been falling a lot. Take a look at these falls, a preview of what's in store for the montage. Continuing the legacy with the second establishment of the Series of Unfortunate Events.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
January 8th, 2010
We went to the Alamo Heights ledges and came out with two clips. The rest was throwaway and this is it, just messing around. Also filmed some more stuff, but it was un-needed. Montage still in progress.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Camera Takes A Slam
Joaquin slipped out on this wallie off the trash can. I happened to be filming with a DIY tripod a.k.a. a stack of boards. His board hit the stack causing the camera to fall, luckely the camera was ok. Not even a scratch.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Clip of the Week 15
We filmed this warm-up before filming the actual line we went for. Montage is still in progress.
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